Tuesday, July 08, 2008

One Month

We have exactly one month until the wedding. While most things are done, we still have quite a few things to do. Ahhh!

In other news, Mike sold his Porsche, and we bought a 2005 Nissan Xterra. After we recoup from the wedding expenses, we can actually get kayaks now!

Research with my new advisors in the SIS department is going much better. I feel like I am actually making a contribution. I will definitely have to ramp up the time spent on research after the wedding.

The animals are doing well. Ru is a lot less crazy than he used to be. Ra is currently sitting on my lap purring with his chin on my left hand. It looks like he is reading what I am typing. Scuro has been a little pukey lately, so we took her to the vet. She is on an antibiotic for a few days. I need to go get her some better flavored hairball medicine.

A few weekends ago, we went for a quick camping trip in the Smoky Mountains. You can go to our Flickr photo gallery to check out the pictures.

Mike has made friends with Mr. Ferguson who lives behind us. We have been trying to help him with the algae problem in the smaller pond. Here is a picture of him rowing in the pond and spraying the weeds. You can go to Flickr to see the rest of the pictures.

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