Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Orleans Smells Like Pee

Mike had a NCTA trade show (broadcast industry - I warned him to stay clear of all the naked people) in New Orleans, so I went with him this weekend. He was starting to get in trouble for being away on business trips so often . . . I started a spreadsheet. Anyway, on Sunday, we went on a bus tour which went through some of historic New Orleans and ended in the 9th Ward showcasing some of the disaster left in the wake of Katrina. It was pretty crazy.

After the tour, we took a nap (always the highlight of my day), then we walked around the French Quarter. We found a Lush store and bought some fizzy balls, a discovery that I first made in Los Angeles and have only been able to buy off of Amazon ever since. We ate at a restaurant called Mr. B's Bistro which was awesome. While there, someone mistook me for "Diane from idol." I gave her a confused look and said who? I looked it up on the Internet, and the closest thing I could find is a girl named Diana DeGarmo who was on American Idol (born in 1987 - a baby!).

I stayed in the hotel on Monday, and after Mike got back from the trade show, we went to Luke's which is a not-so-good restaurant near the hotel. Especially compared to the restaurant we ate at the night before, it was more expensive and not as good. Yuck.

I woke up having weird nightmares, so here I am blogging at 3 in the morning.

Yesterday, May 19th, was Tausha's birthday. I usually call and leave her a message on her birthday, but I missed it this year. She is one of my best friends from junior high school in Mississippi.

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