Monday, February 12, 2007


No one disagrees with John Donne when he said "no man is an island." However, no one lives like that either. It is always take care of yourself. Don't give up control. Don't count on anyone else. Love yourself first. Your main responsibility is only to you. I guess the problem is that I believe John Donne. I am not an island. I don't think I should take care of myself before others. I don't believe that we shouldn't depend on one another. I don't believe that if I do something that it doesn't affect someone else's life. If there is something that I can do for someone else that someone else may not be able to do, it is my responsibility to do it. I am reading a book for "Women Who Love Too Much," and I just don't believe that there is such a thing as too much. I believe that most people just don't love enough. It says to protect yourself from "men who are emotionally unavailable, addicted to work, alcohol, or other women - men who cannot love back," who are "troubled, distant, and moody." Don't these people need love too? My counselor recommended the book for me to read. I have been reading a whole bunch of self-help books, and they all contradict what the Bible teaches. It teaches you to put others above yourself. It teaches you to love sacrificially. It teaches you to forgive. It teaches you to take care of each other. Even if these weren't from the Bible, they make sense to me. My counselor has just about given up on me. She suggested electroconvulsive therapy and is sending me to talk with the campus minister. I am not doing well, but my mind is the best thing I have going for me. Outlook bleak. Did homework today. I am tired now. Valentine's Day is an important day to me, but this Valentine's Day is going to be very sad. Chris is home. I should say hello.

1 comment:

Max Orkin said...

Love is not binary. And while no one is an island, no one is an ocean either.

Love is a form of symbiosis. The point your counselor is trying to make is to avoid parasites.

All the same, anyone suggesting something as archaic as shock therapy should be stripped of credentials. Find a new therapist.