Sunday, February 18, 2007


I smiled today. That felt good. I didn't get much done though. Kevin came over for dinner. I made pork chops, macaroni and cheese, and salad. He brought an apple pie and I had ice cream. It was an impromptu meal, but it worked out pretty well. I thought it was sweet. He bought me three yellow roses and a kitty stuffed animal (which I have since named Charcoal) as a belated Valentine's Day gift. We went to see Music and Lyrics which I really liked. I don't think he enjoyed it quite as much since it was definitely a chick flick. Anyway, I am back home now tucked into bed. Chris is at a friend's tonight dog sitting. That means I will probably have both cats in bed tonight.

I had lunch at Chilis today. I need to get on the elliptical machine tomorrow. My left calf has been tight since going hiking. Jay closed on the condo without a hitch on Friday so mom and Watson can start moving in soon. I am excited for them.

I have a literature review due on Wednesday, so I have to spend the next two days focusing on that. I am running behind. I talked to Mark today. It was nice to hear his voice.

Scuro has hopped into bed. Ra will be soon behind. Since I will probably be awake again in about 3 hours, I should probably try to get some sleep.

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