Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Beautiful Ride

It is a really nice day outside. It is a little windy, but it is warm enough to go out without a jacket on. I have class in about an hour. I forgot my wallet at home today, so I borrowed $20 from Hubert, my office mate, so I could get some lunch. I teach at 6:30 PM. I am talking about ERP, CRM, SCM, and other enterprise systems. Fun, fun.

I just found out that I am going to see Patrick Davis perform on Friday night. I haven't heard of him before, but I listened to some of his music on line, and he seems really good. That should be nice.

I am drinking a cafe mocha with extra chocolate. Yum. Yesterday I bought a new bathing suit for the cruise, but I still don't have any luau type attire. I need to work on that. I can't go to the mall tonight because I teach until 9:15 PM. I have dinner plans tomorrow night and Friday, so maybe I will make an excursion on Saturday.

Wow. Someone thanked me in their thesis. I just googled myself. I vaguely remember talking to this cute French or something guy for an afternoon about HCI, but that is pretty cool. I was consulting on research back in 2001. Look at that! There are still old posts online from when Ryan and I were dating . . . what, 6 years ago? Gotta love the Internet.

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