Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Here are some messages I got on MySpace recently:

"Well, you don't live that far from me...And you're gorgeous!!! I'd adore every inch of you!" --Random internet guy

"You look like the dark haired girl from 90210. I have been wondering who you look like for a while now. And now I know. How are you doing Pam? Are you teaching this spring?" --Student from last semester

"Check out my latest blog when you get a chance. Think you might recognize someone."

. . .

"I have this cool friend who is gorgeous, smart as all get out, great smile and personality to match. Accomplished more in her short time on this planet than most will at age 90. Breaks guy's hearts just looking at her because they all sayin', "wow, I could never get a girl that sweet to even look twice at me. I might as well just kill myself right now." And yet, she gets depressed a lot, has bad/unfulfilling relationships, gets hurt all the time, and I worry about her. What's wrong with that picture? It's pretty simple really.

She just doesn't know what she has. Not yet, anyway.

My wish is that all of us would be able to recognize what we have, and to maximize those gifts in ourselves so we can not only appreciate our own worth, but to use those gifts to be a blessing to others." --Dear friend/coworker from Florida

I have realized that I have a whoel bunch of great people in my life (not including random internet guy). I wouldn't have made it this far if it weren't for the kindness of others.


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