Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Air Hockey Champion

Okay, so I am not so great at bowling or pool, but I completely rock at air hockey. I have found my sport! The cats and I are cuddled into bed for a long winter's sleep. Today was a good day. I got a substantial amount done on my research. I am also happy because I just got an email from a friend of mine (Kenny) in Tampa. He is happy and in love, so I am really excited for him. I always love to hear good relationship news for people. It seems like you always hear about people breaking up, and that makes me sad.

The stock market fell today, so my brokerage account went down by a total of $2,023.61. Ouch. I guess everyone took a hit, but that kinda sucks.

I am on campus tomorrow from 11 AM - 9:15 PM. Fun, fun. I guess I should get to bed.

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