Thursday, February 22, 2007

Beginning and Middle

I am 27 years old, and I have accomplished many things. I have tutored special education students how to read. I survived extended childhood abuse. I have raised money for good causes. I did well in school despite our low socioeconomic status. I graduated salutatorian of my high school class. I earned the respect of my peers. I've never taken illegal drugs. I have mentored youth. I have obtained a BS and MS with outstanding academic record. I have done well so far in my PhD program. I have only ever received two B's throughout school. I have won national scholarships. I have raised two loving, secure, and healthy cats. I have purchased two houses on my own. I have furnished and decorated my home. I have founded organizations that have served to help others. I have volunteered for other organizations. I have been elected to lead within social organizations. I have received outstanding job performance reviews, raises, and bonuses. I have often been recognized for my hard work. I have achieved financial stability. I have nice things. I have worked toward reconciling relationships with my family. I have taken actions to help improve my mother's life. I am articulate and well-read. I come highly recommended. I have numerous friends. I have learned how to forgive. I am respected for my integrity. I have been admired for my beauty. I have come to believe in God. I have learned empathy and compassion for others. I have overcome anger. I can take care of myself. I am independent. I have innovative ideas. I am perceptive of others. I am well-rounded. I have learned how to achieve balance in my life. I treat others well. I take responsibility for my actions. I continue to learn new things. I have made a difference in this world. I love deeply. I have achieved success in my life. Should I find this to be the end, I would be able to say that I have done well for myself. I am thankful.

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