Sunday, February 11, 2007

Stone Mountain

I had an eventful yet not so productive weekend. On Saturday, I went hiking at Reedy Creek with CHOA and Kevin. Later in the evening, I met Jay up in Elkin. We got up this morning and went to Stone Mountain and went hiking. We saw Stone Mountain Waterfall which was really pretty. Then we went to RagApple Lassie Vineyard and did a wine tasting. I bought a bottle of dessert wine which was the only one sweet enough for me. I drove home and am really sleepy. My legs are sore in kind of a nice way from the inclines of the hikes.

I have a meeting on campus tomorrow with my professor to talk about the research I have yet to do. I need to wake up early tomorrow and get that done. I am still missing my center. I guess I have never really had one. Some days I feel fine and others I feel like I am going to die. I wish God was more tangible. I want Him to show up at my door and hold me. Strengthen me.

God, I pray for Jay. He is a good man. Please show him that he is worthy of love from a women who truly loves him instead of just needing him. Now that he is done with his PhD, please help him find the family that he has been searching for. Bless him with a good wife and some kids. Amen.

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