Monday, February 05, 2007

Reasons I Should Be Happy

1) I have two wonderful cats
2) I have a great roommate
3) My family
4) I have a nice house
5) I have money in the bank
6) I have nice things
7) I have good friends
8) I have transportation
9) God loves me
10) My acquaintances
11) I have a masters degree
12) I am working on my PhD
13) I am teaching
14) I am warm
15) I can still see
16) I do well at my job
17) I am intelligent
18) People think I am pretty
19) I am not fat
20) I can walk
21) I can read
22) I can afford groceries
23) I can speak
24) I am free
25) I can hear
26) Mark loves me
27) I am young
28) I am not bald
29) I don't have a terminal disease
30) Mom is moving into a nicer place
31) I can afford medication
32) I have clothes
33) I can exercise
34) I can help others
35) I can sleep
36) I have a computer and Internet
37) No one is physically harming me
38) I can pay my bills
39) I don't hate anyone
40) I know what I need
41) I ask for help
42) I have been able to apologize for everything I have done wrong
43) I'm not addicted to anything
44) I'm in love
45) No one is yelling at me
46) I don't live in a war zone
47) My family is safe
48) My body is not in physical pain
49) People would miss me if I died
50) I've failed before

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