Thursday, February 22, 2007

No Cat-astrophe

Ra is snoring at the end of the bed. What kind of cat snores? He makes me smile. Ra and Scuro are sooo wonderful. Sometimes I can't help but to squeeze them so much and cover them in kisses. They remind me that there is so much beauty in this world. I just have so much love inside me that I want to just spend every day giving it away. I love animals. I love people. I love nature. I just want to cuddle with them all. I sincerely don't hate anyone. There isn't a person (outside of telemarketers) that could call at this very moment that I would refuse to talk with should they just need someone to talk to. No one. I don't want to spend my time bitter and mad at the world. I get depressed and hurt, but at my core, there is just so much love and hope. Sometimes I think it is gone, and that scares me. But as long as I can find joy in hearing Scuro purr, then I know that it is still there.

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Gracie is a snorer too, but more ladylike than Ra. She has little old lady snores.