Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Bowler's Butt

I always get it after I go bowling. My left buttocks (said like Forrest Gump) is sore. I need a massage. Sigh, I love massages.

I just finished up an application for some summer work at the company that gave me a $25,000 fellowship. Basically, I just want to work with them to collect data for my dissertation. Next, I have to do more writing. Always more writing.

Instead, I am goofing off looking at the news. I just read an article about how 2/3 more women have HPV than they originally thought. GSK just came out with a vaccination for women under 26 which I suggest anyone who can get it should take the opportunity to do so. It is a series of 3 shots, and I am scheduled for the last one this month. I also read that taking antioxidants may actually increase death rates. Maybe the reason the results of this study came out that way was because only unhealthy people felt the need to take the supplements. Who knows.

In other news, I leave for my cruise on Friday. I really need to make some calls to figure out where the heck I am staying Friday night. I guess I should stop goofing off and get some of this work done.

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