Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Shades of Gray

It is easier for us to see things in black and white instead of shades of gray. However, since black isn't black for everyone and white isn't white for everyone, it shows that there are indeed shades of gray in the world. There I go getting philosophical again.

They say it is always harder to do the right thing, but I don't think that is necessarily true. I think guilt has a way of making things worse. There have been times that I knew I did the wrong thing, and those times were the hardest times in my life. And there are times I know I have done the right thing, and even though things didn't turn out the way they should have, I felt better knowing that I did everything I could have done. It still hurts, but it hurts even worse when there is guilt on top of the hurt.

Scuro just jumped on the bed and started mashing Job. I just got back from eating pizza and watching a movie called the Illusionist. It was pretty cool. I am glad I took a study break.

I just put this icy hot type of lotion on my neck, and I am smelling pretty strong right about now. I have an appointment on campus and have to finish up my paper tomorrow. Getting sleepy since I didn't take my nap today. G'night.

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