Friday, February 16, 2007

Even Nerdier

I have reading glasses now. My mom ordered them and sent them a few days ago. They look okay. I have to pay her back. So now I am even nerdier than before.

Jay drove down to Gainesville last night to close on the condo this morning. I am sure everything is going to go fine, but it will be nice to have it official. Mom is excited to move in already. I am going to get her a littler gardening bench and some hand tools as a housewarming present. She won't have much yard to tend, but it will be a bit. She loves growing plants.

Kim and Tony bought a house in Chicago, so they are officially moving. I think Kim is going to enjoy the culture there better than Kentucky. I haven't talked to Lisa for a while. I guess I should give her a call, but I have been pretty stressed lately.

Having some friends over for board games tonight. I need to go shopping for some finger foods. It will be much better than going to a bar. Going to dinner and a movie this weekend. Other than that, I am going to church and studying. I want to catch up with school when I can get something productive done. I have been pretty useless lately.

Let's see. Is there anything else going on? I convinced Chris to start volunteering with me. We went to play with kids the other day, and I am going to play games with elderly people on Monday night. We have been having meetings this semester for the group I helped co-found for women and technology. I cancelled my pest control because I rather have people clean my house, and I am trying to save money. I have 1.5 pounds before I reach my New Year's Resolution weight goal. That's about it.

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