Sunday, February 18, 2007


I went to the grocery store with Chris tonight, and I bought bananas for smoothies. I spent the day writing a literature review about interorganizational electronic integration. I actually got quite a bit done today even though I kept stopping to cuddle with cats which at one point resulted in a rather lengthy nap. Tomorrow, I am finishing up the literature review and volunteering. I am meeting someone for coffee Monday or Tuesday, but I don't remember which day it was anymore. Regardless, I have an SLC meeting on Tuesday that I know for sure. I teach and go to class on Wednesday. Yadda yadda.

I think Joel is driving me from Tampa to Ft. Lauderdale, and Dave is driving me from Ft. Lauderdale to Tampa. I am still trying to figure out where I am going to stay while I am there. If I can convince Francis to come down one day from Gainesville, maybe I can stay at his townhouse. I know, I know. I have a lot of men in my life. Most of my friends have always been guys. Tom calls them "orbiters." I have a lot of good female friends too though.

Emily left me a voicemail today. I am not quite sure what she said, but I think she must have opened a present I had given her. I need to call Lisa back and catch up. I talk to Kim and Mom a lot more often.

Ra is snoring at the end of the bed. Lately, he has been sleeping with Chris. I think the bond between the two of them is so cute. They spent the afternoon together on the couch watching sports.

I should probably get to bed.

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