Sunday, February 04, 2007

Do You Know Me?

I am confused by the comments someone has been leaving. Do you know me? You tell me that I flaunt my looks and love myself too much. "You'll die a lonely old spinster, at best." I am confused. Did you ever think that me writing about all the things I love about myself might actually be my attempt to convince myself to love myself? Do you think what I need to hear is someone confirming my worst fear that I will always be alone? If you know me, call me and be my friend. If you don't, then stop trying to comment on things that you just see on the surface.

I write here because I have to. If I don't write, sometimes I think I will explode. I write my darkest thoughts in my personal journal, but I wrote some things for my friends who come here. My sister checks my blog, and I like knowing she is here. Even though I can't tell her these things on the phone or in person, I want her to know me. That is important to me.

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Turn off anonymous commenting, that's what I'd do.

Love ya. We're in Chicago, but I've got my cell. Looking at houses. It's FREEZING here.