Monday, January 29, 2007

I Love Me

I completely love who I am, flaws and everything. I love that I have tiny feet. I love that I can dance in a club or a grocery store. I love that I name random inanimate objects. I love that I spend way too much time petting my cats. I love that I am trusting and open with my feelings and emotions. I love that I ask for help. I love that I make too many lists. I love that I would help anyone who happened to call me at this very moment in any way that I could. I love that I pray and need God. I love that I need lots of cuddling and hug almost everyone I know. I love that I ask too many questions in class. I love that I sit indian style in my chair. I love that I care about people so much. I love that I am usually the first person to try to make peace. I love that I can act like a kid and not get all embarrassed. I love my nerdy sense of humor. I love how I look when I see myself in the mirror. I love that I dress casual most of the time. I love how I can find good in anyone. I love that I am never apathetic. I love how much I love life. I love that I always want to learn something new. I love that I give everything I have. I love how easily I forgive. I love how bad things make me feel uncomfortable. I love how I am always thinking of a way to make someone feel special. I love that everyone knows exactly how I feel about them. I love my priorities in life. I love that even though I get depressed, I always aim for happiness. I love that I can laugh and cry all in the same day. I love that I know who I am. I love that I rather cry than get angry. I love how I face things head on. I love that I make mistakes and can acknowledge them. I love that I am fragile instead of instead of hardened. I love that I worry about other people. I love that material things don't make me happy. I love that my bottom teeth are crooked. I love that I get freckles. I love that I have lots of friends. I love that I don't consider anyone my enemy. I love my family and my friends. I love who I choose to make part of my life. I love what matters to me and what doesn't. I love my taste in music and my ideals. I love that I am clumsy. I love that I am different. I love that I am me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you are you too... and everything that makes you - you!!