Tuesday, January 30, 2007

His Will Be Done

Ugh. I posted an ad on this dating site I have gone on in the past, and I just decided to make myself invisible again. I had something up for three days, and I had like 50 responses. It makes me fustrated because I just need one good guy not a million random guys. I am sure there are some nice guys in the bunch, but it just gets overwhelming. I would like to work things out with Mark. However, right now things are too far gone. He doesn't treat me like he loves me anymore because he is hurting. I am trying to show him that I still love him, but I can't keep doing that in a healthy way if I don't get anything in return. I am not going to force anything. God will take care of everything how it is meant to be. Meanwhile, it is important for me to find people who can be there for me here and now. I am seeking out people I can pay attention to and who want to pay attention to me. I am going to a Bible study tonight. I am going to Atlanta with Angela and Wendy this weekend. Joel is going to come up and see me for a weekend around Spring Break. My friend Pietro from Italy is living in Texas, and he invited me for a visit. Maybe I will take him up on it. I should go down to Tampa and reconnect with some of my good friends. Trying to remember to trust in God. I just get myself into trouble otherwise.

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