Monday, January 29, 2007

God's Example

After talking some with my counselor today, she asked me who taught me how to love, give, and support as deeply as I do. She said there had to be a role model who showed me how to do that or a relationship that I learned it from. At first, I was taken back because I couldn't figure out where I would have learned it from; I just loved. Then I realized that I haven't always loved this deeply.

I answered that I learned it from God. Without other examples, I looked to the Bible and realized that God is love. I explained Ephesians to her how it described the groom and the bride like Jesus and the church. She submits to and worships him, but in turn, he would lay down his life for her.

I told her how I have been told in the past that I am too idealistic, and she asked me if I thought I was too idealistic. I replied that the world would be a much better place if people stuck to their ideals.

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