Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thank You

Pastor Patrick for sending me emails to check up on me even though I haven't seen him in years. Kirk who is always there to drive me to the airport and around town. Chris who watches the cats when I am out of town. Tausha who posts a positive comment about any picture I put up on MySpace. Auntie Es and Uncle Herb who still send me a birthday gift. Mr. and Mrs. Folsom for giving me the couch out of their living room when I had no furniture in high school. Francis, Frank, Pietro, Claude, Amy, Bonnie who all remember me during the holidays. Jay who may be giving my mom a nicer place to live. Matt who consistently invites me to Bible study. Kim who most often comments on my blog. Pei-Jen who emails me encouragement when I sound like I am down. Muhammed who cares about me enough to rekindle a friendship. Jim who helped with the leak in my bathtub. Stephanie stood beside me, a neighbor but a stranger, when my house flooded. Mom for offering to let me live with her if I ever needed to. Tom who read me Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe while I cried myself to sleep. Lane for coming to my legal aid when I barely knew him. Autnie Dot for paying for my trip to California. Dave for driving me to Charlotte to help me find my house. Joel for always answering his phone when I need a shoulder to cry on.

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