Thursday, January 11, 2007


I am going to see my mom this weekend. My sister Lisa and her family also live in Gainesville. Kim and Tony are flying in for the weekend as well. This is a very special event for my family to have everyone together in one place. I will probably see some good friends like Joel, Dave, and Francis while I am in town if I have the time. I will arrive in Gainesville at 10 AM which means I have to leave crazy early in the morning. I haven't packed yet.

Chris cooked dinner tonight and we watched the Shaggy Dog. I contributed mushrooms and salad. It was a goofy but cute movie. He went with me to Matt and Amy's small group the other night. There were some nice people there. The guy who did the praise and worship songs had an awesome voice. I ended up playing the devil's advocate to the Bible study message, but I think they respected my commentary anyway.

I ended up taking an independent study instead of the financial management course I had originally signed up for. I really need to get some papers written this semester.

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