Sunday, January 21, 2007

Everywhere, Everyone

We all want to be loved as we are. I think I have a lot of friends who can love me for the good and the bad in me, but I think my boyfriends have only loved me for the good. I am pretty sure that I tell them upfront my one fatal flaw is that I get depressed. I don't think they hear me though. Instead of helping me through those times, they have all taken it as complete personal failures and turned tail and ran. It is true, no one wants depression in their lives if they can help it. I recently saw some guys profile that said if you are a manic depressive then go slit your wrists in someone else's bathroom. Nice.

I just need lots of love and understanding and a little encouragement. I know I have a lot of things going for me. I thank God for everything he has given me. I have all the material possessions I need. I have great friends. I have a better relationship with my family. I have been given opportunities for numerous success. I have been told that I have all the things a guy could possible want in a woman, with this one exception.

In Greek tragedies, the protagonists' one fatal flaw was often hubris or pride. Many Shakespearean tragedies all exhibited characters with tragic flaws such as MacBeth and his ambition or Hamlet and his indecision. The question is (To be or not to be, sorry couldn't help myself!), do we all have a tragic flaw that ultimately leads to our undoing?

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