Thursday, January 25, 2007

Les Miserables

I can't remember one full day in my life from start to end past maybe the last three days. Do you think it would be horrible or wonderful to be able to always remember everything clearly? Would the happiness outweigh the pain? Or do we need time to erode memories so that we all don't go insane? Each and every one of us has a past. Sometimes we can't live it down and sometimes we want to try to stay in it. I think that is one reason there are so many high school movies. It seems like in some way or another, we are all stuck in high school. It was the first time we actually felt like adults and the only time we actually thought we had it all figured out. We didn't even contemplate that things could turn out worse than we had planned or even different. Even though it was a time of insecurity in ourselves, in some ways, it was the most confident in our lives that we ever were.

Les Miserables is about a man who went to jail for years because he stole a loaf of bread to feed his family. Victor Hugo wrote, "Liberation is not deliverance. A convict may leave the galleys behind but not his condemnation." So what is deliverance if it isn't freedom? Well, from the book, I gathered that deliverance was love. He found his saving grace and lived the rest of his life for Cossette, an orphan who became his daughter. For her he risked his life, saved other lives, and became a noble man. I'm sure Jean Valjean didn't expect his life to turn out the way it did, but I don't think he would have chosen, in the end, to have lived it any other way. We can be condemned by man but truly delivered by love.

Anyway, there's me going deep on you guys again. Watson got my mom a dozen roses for her birthday. I thought that was sweet. He wants me to go to the gas station and get them some powerball tickets. I don't think I have bought a lottery ticket in my life.

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