Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sleepy Pam

Just got in a little bit ago. I met this completely cute puppy today. She looked like she was part Chow. I cuddled her. :-) Her sister (a cat) is named Neon, and they were looking for a name for her (the puppy). I suggested Marquee. The guy who owns them is a sign maker, and that is how Neon got her name (she is actually gray). I thought it would be fitting. I am a good namer.

Today seemed like a long day with many different emotions. I tried to get my passport today, but I will have to go to another office. I would like to take a trip outside of the country this summer. I have never had a passport, and it is about time to get one.

I got my teaching ratings back today. My average on every item was higher than the department average, so I think that was pretty good.

Tomorrow is the day we take Sable to visit with old people. She is such a lovable dog. Hopefully she isn't too loving because she can get a little over excited around people. She is a black pug. She is so ugly, she is cute.

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