Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Free Ride When You've Already Paid

Darn it. I just got charged a $90 annual fee for a credit card that I can't use. I have never gotten a credit card with an annual fee before. Life takes VISA, I guess. Between life and my bum, there have been a lot of extra expenses recently. I also have a whole lot of deadlines coming up that I am not going to make unless a miracle happens. It's just going to have to be that way for now. There are more important things. If I fail, I fail. I just want to be happy; I don't have to be successful. I am not going to kill myself over all these things and at the end of the day be as miserable as when I started.

I am following the text book as to what you are supposed to do to get back to a healthy place in life. I have always been a good student; there isn't a step I have missed. Most places teach the 12 step programs, mine is more like the 101 step program. No one can say I haven't tried.

She'll sing her song to anyone that comes along . . .

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