Saturday, January 27, 2007


It almost sounds like 'Pam purred.' That would mean a happy Pam, right? That's what we need! Taking care of me right now. I know I am a good person, and I deserve it. I don't feel badly about myself right now. I have lost 7 pounds, so I am not feeling fat. I feel pretty sexy when I see naked Pam in the mirror. I have been doing things that are important to me like going to church, volunteering, exercising, and spending time with people who think I am awesome. I have received validation for my feelings from those I confide in. I have been ignoring criticism and focusing more on doing what is best for me. I have actually lived a lot of my life in some support role or another. I really do love it, but sometimes I need to set boundaries. Like sometimes I can't come through for people how they expect me to. And that is okay. A lot of times we tend to hear the negative instead of the positive responses to the things we do. I need to learn how to pat myself on the back sometimes.

Tomorrow, I am going to church and have dinner plans at a little Italian restaurant off of Harris. Other than that, I want to go shopping for silverware and some clothes and need to do homework.

I have a document of nice things people wrote about me back when Sean and I broke up (and my house flooded). I am going to find that tomorrow and read through it. Sometimes I need to be reminded about the good in me and that there are people who really do love me for me.

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