Monday, May 14, 2007

What if Jesus

What if Jesus
Didn't say what he meant
Beat around the bush
And sat on the fence?

What if Jesus
Kept his feelings inside
Because to be vulnerable
was too much for his pride?

What if Jesus
Decided to play it safe
Let someone else jump first
Because he lacked the faith?

What if Jesus
Put himself first
Made life about what he wanted
And didn't bother to serve?

What if Jesus
Was too busy to hear
The pain of others
Because it was too much to bear?

What if Jesus
Valued wealth and success
Shunned the weak and poor
And laughed at their distress?

What if Jesus
Said we came first to him
But was apathetic and far
When we called his name?

What if Jesus
Chose to never forgive
Any transgressions or sins
Unless they were his?

What if Jesus
When faced with sacrifice
Decided to save himself
Instead of giving us life?

What if Jesus
Said that he had been hurt too much
That it just wasn't worth it
To give us his love?

What if Jesus
Was just part of this world
Lost and confused
Instead of savior and Lord?

What if we
Had it all wrong?
What if Jesus
Never died on the cross?
What if Jesus
Was just like us?

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