Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Awww. Sean, my ex, left a sweet comment on MySpace this morning. That was nice. Ra is currently sitting on my lap licking my neck. Strange sensation. I am going to hop in the shower soon; I have a meeting on campus at 11 AM. I also have to work today. I want to see Mike before he leaves for San Francisco tomorrow. I have a conference call I have to be on at 4 PM. I am going to try to stay awake today. I don't know what has been wrong with me lately. I am going to try to not drink any caffeine today until I start getting a headache; maybe that will make a difference. The store restocked my Aquafina Wild Berry water. I was scared that they were going to stop carrying it. All the rest suck. I bought three six packs just in case.

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