Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I woke up at five this morning, so I decided to shop eBay for a Bluetooth headset for my new phone. I went back to bed probably around six. I am awake but still in bed now. Ra was really noisy last night. I think he needs to lose some weight or something.

I work today, and I need to email my advisor a write up of my data analysis. I'm not 100% sure of what I am doing, but I need to at least give it a try. I need to go to the grocery store because I am on to using my travel toothpaste, and we are nearly out of toilet paper. Maybe I will do that this morning. I have a conference call scheduled for work sometime today, so I need to check when that is before I go out . . . It isn't until 2 PM, so maybe I will go to the grocery store this morning.

On another note, I may have ADD/ADHD. I was looking up why coffee made me fall asleep, and that is an answer I found. Let's see some of the symptoms: delay starting tasks, distracted easily, fidgety, difficulty waiting, often shifting tasks, interrupting others, not listening, always"on the go." Yup, that sounds like me. :-)

Scuro is my tap dancer; she is so cute.

1 comment:

The Tom Collective said...

That sounds like me too. Except coffee doesn't make me sleep...