Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I did a bit of destressing today after I finished the draft of my first paper. Then I went back to work on another paper revision. Now, I aim to destress a bit more. Unfortunately, I am now hyped up on caffeine. I will be happy when May 4th has come and gone. One good thing is that tomorrow is Wednesday, and I don't have to teach tomorrow night because it is a reading day.

I ate crap all day (tends to happen when I am overly stressed). I started this morning with vanilla ice cream and a chocolate chip cookie. That was followed by an afternoon trail mix bar. I was happy to find that I still had some diet Pepsi left over from the cook out. For a late lunch, I had a junior bacon cheese burger, fries, and a frosty. Then for lunch dessert I had half of a orange cream cinnamon roll. When I got home, I had a pulled pork sandwich and some tortilla chips with melted cheese and cream cheese (which is surprisingly a lot like sour cream). Ah yes, once this semester ends, I need to start back on my diet.

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