Thursday, May 24, 2007


I am seriously thinking about buying the GPS Navigation system for my phone. What do you guys think? I am not too familiar with how these systems work. All I know is that I am always lost. Maybe I can find some on-line reviews.

I have to drive to work today to pick up the drug test information.

Things to do:

-Sell my Treo 650p DONE
-Drug test DONE
-Return various phone calls DONE
-Place the 3 other solar rocks DONE

-Get study lists for qualifying exams DEFERRED
-Laundry DONE
-Research (never-ending) TO DO
-Fix siding TO DO
-Get car checked out TO DO
-Drop off nursing home donation TO DO
-Follow up on US Airways dividend miles TO DO
-Get laptop fixed TO DO
-Get passport DONE

Okay, I better hop in the shower now.

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