Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sparkling Pearl

I finally went to AutoBell and had Pearl washed. They didn't have leather fragrance, so I had to settle for new car smell. Ra says hello (with a long meow). I also made an appointment to get my passport and went to the mall and got two dresses. I felt really old, but I bought them from the junior's department anyway. They didn't have anything cute for us old people.

Also notice the newly added chatterbox on my blog so it is even easier to show your love for Pam who we all know needs lots of love and attention. Ahem.

My new phone will arrive in the next few days at which time I will be able to start buying new accessories for it. I am seriously thinking about buying a GPS program. I won't be able to find one as nifty as the one embedded in Mark's car, but there has to be something good enough to keep me from getting lost all the time (literally, not figuratively).

It looks like it is going to rain tonight, but I want to wear one of my new dresses anyway!

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