Thursday, May 31, 2007


I long for closeness. It just seem like people stay so distant these days, and on the rare occasion only, let someone else in before pushing them away again. People have learned to be comfortable with this disconnection, but I haven't ever seemed to figure it out. I don't think I want to either. I like seeing everything and everyone as interrelated, all part of something bigger.

Just got off the phone with my mom, and she is doing pretty well. Tomorrow, I work from home and have a meeting in the afternoon for some more work I am doing. Friday night, I am going out to dinner with Mike, his friend Gabe, and his friend's wife. They are in town for the night visiting. Saturday Mike and I are going to go to the Antique Show. I haven't been, but I think Mike goes quite often. Sunday, I plan to go to church and do some research.

I had my Mid-Year review at work today which went well. I asked my boss to write me a letter of recommendation so I can post it with my other letters for future use. I need to start applying to some fellowships and grants. Extra money never hurts.

I have retired my free after rebate keyboard that matched my office since a working control key is infinitely more important than aesthetics. Sigh. However, New Egg has offered to give me a new keyboard costing less than $20 for free since they don't carry the one I got anymore. I think that is pretty good customer service.

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