Thursday, May 24, 2007

Later in the Day

I bought the GPS system and a diet/exercise tracking program for my new phone. Heehee.

I took the drug test today. It was hilarious because I kept having to go to the bathroom before I actual got to the drug test. I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to "go." But then I had to "go" some before the drug test because I couldn't wait. Then I had to beg the lady to let me hurry to take the test because I still had to "go" so badly. My bladder is very temperamental.

I am going to be signed on to work tonight so I am going to take a quick break since I have been running around all day. I might have found someone to buy the air purifier and my old phone from Craigslist. I have also discovered that Scuro likes eating the feather that keep coming out of the pillow top thingy I bought for the top of my bed. Strange cats, I tell you.

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