Sunday, May 20, 2007

All Things Good

I believe in God and love. I believe people can change for the better. I think that God does answer prayers. True love does exist. Marriages can work; spouses can be faithful. Love can be forever. Humans were meant to be monogamous. Animals are all good. Old wounds can heal. Dreams can come true. Although we can't have everything, we can have the things we truly need. Revenge is never the answer. We can learn from our mistakes. Silver linings do exist. Most things happen for a reason. People truly do care. Life has meaning. Friends can be forever. There is a Heaven. We are meant to take care of each other. There is good in this world. You can find beauty in most things. It is okay to laugh at ourselves. We are all special. We all deserve to be understood. No one is meant to be miserable. God loves us. We get more from loving others than being selfish. It is never too late. Second chances do exist. We can learn to trust again. God doesn't give us more than we can bear. Life is beautiful. Relationships are worth it. Never regret loving. People mean more than things. We all could use a hug. We are all connected somehow. Life is about the journey and the destination. It is okay to be wrong sometimes. Obstacles build character. We all have a purpose. Persistence does pay off. Truth is better than lies. No one is a lost cause. We can all make a difference. Reason and emotion can co-exist. Family is important. We can all capture a childlike innoncence. Laughter is good for the soul. Comfort is available. We are never completely alone. Kindness can always be found. There is always hope. Good will prevail over evil.

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