Monday, September 05, 2005


Okay, I have never been one to "check out" guys. In fact, I am usually pretty oblivious. However, I have discovered two types of movie personas that I find pretty darn sexy:

First, it the cool, calm, collected, don't mess with me type. I think I am attracted to this type because no one would mess with me if he was my boyfriend!

Second, (not necessarily in this order) is the romantic, hunky, let me read Shakespeare to you type. Can a man that cute really have a brain and treat a woman well?

Dreamy sigh.

Anyway, Joel and I went to see Transporter 2 tonight. I liked it very much even though it was even less realistic than the first movie. I think I am into action flicks as long as they have some plot. Muhammed wants me to call him before I go to bed tonight, so I better finish up soon. I have to take a few minutes to collect myself because he is going to be all deep and profound on me. I have to prepare.

My mom called tonight. Ra keeps chewing on his tail. I think the tip of it might be dying again. I made chicken enchiladas and beef and bean burritos this weekend. I froze them (probably 8 total) to bring for lunch during the week. I had previously bought some of those 59 cent burritos from the store, and I decided I could do much better.

Starting another busy week tomorrow. I am going to work from home and go to class. Tomorrow is my busiest day this week so the rest of the week shouldn't be that bad.

1 comment:

Muhammed Saboor said...

I thought I was going to make at least one of thoes links...... Its ok, I'll be allright.