Sunday, September 18, 2005

Late Night

I am not sure why I haven't been able to get to sleep lately. It definitely isn't because I am getting too much sleep. I had quite a few nightmares last night. I slept on the couch, and one of the nightmares I had was that I was screaming "no, no, no" and woke Joel up. He came doen and woke me up to see what was the matter. Then I dreamt that he came down again, and I thought that the first time was a dream, and he said it wasn't Then I really asked him once I woke up, and I found out that it all was a dream afterall. I also had a nightmare about Sean. Luckily, I haven't thought of him for a while. Those nightmares are the worst. Most of the time, I wish I never met him.

I have one more paper to write tomorrow. Otherwise, I should have some free time later in the day Thank God. I have a lot of reading to do, but I don't have to get it all done tomorrow.

Joel is doing well. He has been helping me out a lot around the house. I think I get irritated with him sometimes when he is trying to help me. Sometimes it is nice, but sometimes, I just want to be left alone. Of course, I can't expect him to know which time is which. I think things will be a little less stressful once he gets his license and car. I won't have the sense that I am making him stay here stranded while I study. I can't expect anyone to spend as much time working as I do. I have a lot going on right now.

Uncle Herb called me today. It was nice to hear from him. He called to let me know he got my thank you gift I got him for driving me around San Francisco.

I am still waiting to hear from Ann. I called her a few days ago, but I haven;t heard back from her. I miss hanging out. Even though we didn't know each other very long, I think we have the potential of staying close friends.

Hey, where is Liz? I sent her an e-mail the other day. Man, I really need to give people a call. I know I am really bad about not calling people (and not answering my phone). Must add to list . . .

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