Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Secret Agent Man

Today was the typical busy day. I have a lot to do, and I am on a tight schedule. Never seem to make picking up the dry cleaning a priority.

I need more female friends. I am going to start going on the dating sites again and finsing interesting chicks. However, I will have to just flirt with them because I am too cheap to subscribe to anything. Then, they will probably just get weirded out. Jess and Kassie are really my two female friends in Charlotte. Jess and I take turns getting tied up with men. Kassie and I take turns getting swamped with school work. Must find more uncomplicated female friendships.

Yay, we bought mint hint paint for the office today. Geez, Ra is snoring like crazy. That cat needs some breathe right strips or something!

I wore a skirt and heels to my meeting on campus today. I had my comvertible top down, and radio turned up. I was chillin'. (Yeah, that isn't Pam vocab, but we will go with it.) It is actually cool outside. I definitely have not gotten used to the weather here!

Life is full of interesting things.

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