Friday, September 30, 2005


Joel pointed out that Scuro has been under represented on my blog recently. Chiaro is a wonderful cat. She is very aristocratic. (Reminds me of the Aristocats . . . Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat!) She has been a bit stressed lately. She doesn't recognize Ra with his cone on, so she hisses at him everytime he gets near. Other than that, she has taken a liking to my teddy bear Job. She mashes him while I sleep sometimes. She is still a spelunker and cherishes her time spent in the cave created by the covers. She relishes in the spot of sun she finds every morning behind the couch. Her other favorite places are on the chairs in the breakfast nook and the dining room. Come to think of it, I think she is really the only one who spends time in the dining room.

One of Scuro's favorite sayings:

"I will not give up my loaf. Not for you, not for anyone!"

And we have provided a side loaf for your viewing pleasure.

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