Thursday, September 22, 2005

Little Shop of Horrors

Joel and I just got from seeing The Little Shop of Horrors at one of the local theatres. It was really good. I didn't remember it ending like that, but maybe I am just getting too old to remember. It was hilarious trying to get back home though. Me being me and Joel just moving here himself, we couldn't retrace our steps because the police detoured us a different way. So we drove around aimlessly for a while trying to guess how to get home. Thank God for David's Bridal . . . that is where I got my bride's maid's dress for Pedro and Jamie's wedding. Well, we remembered how we got back home from there (which, by the way, was completely different than how we originally got there) so we were able to get home safely in the end. I can't attribute it to sense of direction, but I guess our method worked too.

I am leaving for Winston-Salem at around 3:30 PM tomorrow. All I have to say is that Todd and I better really like each other. I don't drive an hour and a half for just anybody.

I am going to get up in the morning and start reading what I have to get read for next week. Fun, fun.

Oh yeah, I got my hair done today. I will see if Joel can take some good pictures of me (tomorrow since I am about to go to bed tonight) with his new camera (still jealous).

G'night. And don't feed the plants.

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