Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Fellowship Reception

I received a fellowship of $25,000 for my first year of PhD studies plus free tuition for the first year. I went to the reception for the fellowship today. There were two other PhD students awarded in engineering and mathematics. I was the only one from the US. Sometimes I take things like this for granted. I mean, this was a big honor, and I kind of almost forgot about the banquet until I saw it on my Outlook calendar for the day. I guess I realize how thankful I should be when all these people are making such a big deal out of it. The managers of the company giving the award along with the Provost, Chancellor, etc. of the university were there. Yeah, I didn't know who any of the people were. I was just thinking to myself, you know, I am really not that smart to deserve so much attention. Sometimes I am scared people will realize that I am not that special. I know I have a lot of determination and do what needs to get done, but I don't see myself as any better than anyone else. I am thankful for the award and everything that has gotten me to where I am today, however. I got to dress up which was nice. I had a huge zit which wasn't so nice.

Anyway, I am going to work on setting up my new laptop. I will probably sell this one once I have everything in working order.

Hi Dave!

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