Saturday, September 03, 2005


I love naps. I dropped Auntie Dora and Doug off at the airport this morning. Joel and I ran some errands, and I took a really long nap. Yay.

I have to migrate to the office eventually and figure out what exactly I have to read this weekend. I don't have class on Monday so I only have to worry about what I need to have done for Tuesday classes.

I was a little grumpy today and so was Joel. So we got a little catty today. However, like we always do, we made up fairly easily. He is on the phone with his friend in Ashville right now. No one calls me anymore. :-(

I am bidding on the soundtrack to Les Mis. I loved the book and the musical.

Muhammed, where are you? I don't think we have hung out since Joel got here. Now, you take him out bowling - I'm jealous. Get your butt over here.

We almost ran out of gas today. The gas station near me is out of gas. And gas is really expensive! Pearl's gas light was on, but we luckily found a gas station. However, they only had regular gas. Pearl had to settle for that - not sure if she is going to complain about that.

Even with the gas costing so much, I am really getting antsy to take a trip to the mountains. I need to catch up and get ahead with my reading so I can disappear for a while.

1 comment:

Muhammed Saboor said...

I'm here, at my house. I'm sorry I have been busy lately, trying to keep it all in balance. It's a little different in the summer when there is no baby, now I have baby and five classes.

Whats the deal with the blog spam on pamspam?

Thats when you know your a big time blogger,when you have spam. Its like when you make music you know your big time when your stuff gets boot legged.