Sunday, July 17, 2005

Latest Comment . . . and Update

"Kim is right! Don't leave us hanging, girlfriend! We know what (who) is keeping you busy and away from your blog. We just want to know more about him. What the heck are you guys doing? Are you happy? Are you smiling? It's okay to tell us where you've been." -- Anonymous

Okay, I am not quite sure what I should do. See, Jason is a lot more private than I am about, well, everything. I would like to tell more, but things are new. I don't want to say anything that would make him uncomfortable. I gave him rights to post on my blog so maybe he will take the opportunity to introduce himself.

I just woke up from a nap. I love naps. Tony is downstairs picking peppers. (Peter Piper, I can't help but to think that every time that's said.) I can smell the spices.

I am taking a break from classes second summer, but I am working pretty much full time. Jason has been helping me a lot to get some of the things done around the house that I want done. Full time classes start mid-August, but I am not sure if I am going to keep working part time or just do the teaching assistantship. Amy is staying with me until the end of August, and she is a really nice girl. I have been working on a project for Wachovia through UNCC. The profs made a presentation on it last week and said it went well. I am not sure what that means. It could mean that they don't need Su and I anymore. Or it could mean that they have even more work for us. I want to post pictures of the house soon. However, I want to do some painting first. I don't really have much on the walls. I am trying to see if I can get in a trip to San Francisco at the beginning of August. I need to start planning soon. It is hard to figure out when the best time to talk to my boss about this stuff will be.

And, that's it for now. I leave Kentucky for home tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Saw your blog through ... you elucidate your thoughts well

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Well, I appreciate your feedback. I couldn't find the site that you referenced though. Sometimes I stretch for things to write about because life seems so mundane. You also always worry that you are saying something that might come back to bite you later. Elucidate. That is a great word.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pam! I wish you were closer so we cold get to know each other better. I feel you truly inrich my life and my spirit. Your friend.
