Saturday, July 09, 2005

Deep Breath

Life is good. I have lots of friends who love me. I have two great cats. I have a nice house. God is good to me. I have money in the bank and plans for the future. I am sitting in my office looking at a peaceful backyard. I have food in the refridgerator. My mom is coming to see me. I am a good person. I have a lot of opportunities. Some think I am beautiful and some think I am smart. My work values me. My professors respect my education and accomplishments. I am getting along better with my family. I moved here all by myself and am doing well. There are people who value having me in their lives. I can make people laugh and smile. People value my opinion and advice. I am not doing anything bad on unethical. I want to make the world a better place. I have the freedom to do things other people might not be able to do. I'm getting my life organized. I don't want to be with someone who treats me badly anymore. I don't want to think about him anymore. I know I spent way too many months missing someone who didn't exist. Why bother? Just chalk it up to getting hurt by someone who didn't care enough about me. Just a waste of time. I am young. There are so many waterfalls to see. I am sitting in an air conditioned room in the summer time. The sun is shining. I have done well. Maybe I will try to make it to the gym today.

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