Sunday, March 27, 2005

Thanks for all the fish

Some of Pam's quirks:

-I like really hot showers
-I only listen to the first part of a voicemail message
-I talk to my cats
-I sleep with my feet outside the covers
-I am an e-mail addict
-I type 80% with my right hand
-I grind my teeth at night
-I sometimes say strange things in my sleep
-I like tall guys
-I have all my auxilary verbs memorized
-I don't like carrying a purse
-I don't like seafood
-I don't like tea (even though I am half Chinese)
-I like ketchup on a good steak
-I don't have depth perception
-I have no sense of direction
-I name inanimate objects

I am sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now. I am sure someone will help me out. :-)

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

But you do carry a purselet....