Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

Today was the day Jesus was resurrected. That sounds so surreal. Definitely more important than the Easter bunny.

I am going to get ready for church soon. I haven't had a chance to go since I got here. I am going to try to go to the one close to my house. I need to get ready soon since I will probably get lost, knowing me.

Scuro is mashing me right now. Good thing I don't really use my left hand when I type.

After church, I am going to set up my work computer and start coding. I know it isn't the festive thing to do, but I need to figure out some .NET stuff and wouldn't mind to get a little more money for my furniture for my new house fund.

I was going to go to the gym, but I just remembered that I drove by it yesterday and it was closed. Maybe I will borrow Rebecca's exercise ball. There is also a small gym at the apartment complex.

Mash, mash, mash, mash, purrrrrr . . .

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