Saturday, March 26, 2005

Things Change.

No ellipses on that title. Period. Things Change.

I used to worry that I would never find someone to love me. As I have gotten older, my concern has turned to not finding someone for me to be able to love. I guess part of that is getting to know what I want out of a relationship. The other part is because my self esteem has gotten higher over the years. I have talked to counselors before and the only thing any of them have ever told me that helped was that I was normal. I was completely normal. I didn't need to be told I was extraordinary or even kind of above average. I just needed the confirmation that there wasn't something wrong with me. I have learned over the years that the people who truly love me accept me as I am instead of trying to change me. However, I have also realized that only with their support and love have I ever been able to change myself.

Not that many months ago, my life was completely different. Job, boyfriend, friends, family, home, me - everything has changed. Some of the changes are unfavored, but I know every change has happened for a reason. In the end, I will end up right where I am supposed to be.

Wow. I just found a great quote: "Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met."

Went to dinner with a new friend, and she invited me to a comedy club afterwards. It was the same place I went last Friday but luckily the headliner was different this week. I got my car detailed by a vendor that comes on-site at work. Not only did we get free lunch all this week, but I had THREE free lunches at work today. However, I only partook of two of them. Brought my PC from work home to do some work this weekend. The contractor who started with me was let go today. I felt bad for her, but I was thankful that they thought I was doing a good job. Shoot, they let me take home a flat screen monitor. I have only worked there a week . . .

New NC friends so far: Bryan, Rebecca, Jessica, Kassie, and Jason. I have also met some people on-line and at work.

Oh yeah, I was able to get Countrywide to give me an interest rate of 5.25% instead of the 5.875% he originally quoted me. That means that my mortgage payment (without escrow for tax and insurance) will only be about $577/month.
I am very happy about this. I have paid more in rent for a one bedroom apartment before! I am anxious to close on my house so that everything is said and done. I know everything will go smoothly, but I will feel better after all the papers are signed. It will also be easier to find someone to rent a room once I am actually living in the house.

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