Monday, March 14, 2005

No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition . . .

Has anyone watched the movie Sliding Doors? The whole idea is that one split second can change the course of the rest of our lives. However, in the end, we may still end up where we are supposed to be. How many of those split seconds can you identify in your life?

I know God has a plan, but I sure wish He would tell me what it was!

I haven't done anything notable today. I dropped off dry cleaning, did laundry, had a leather guy come repair Ann's sofas (cat scratches), and have just been getting ready to leave in the morning. Unfortunately having not done much, I have spent over $220 today. When I get to Charlotte, I am going to ramp up my search for a contract job. No big plans for tonight except picking Ann up from the airport and going to dinner with some friends.

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