Sunday, March 27, 2005

Random Thoughts

I just got back from church. I really like the people there; everyone introduced themselves. One girl even offered to round up a group of people to help me move into my house. I like nice people.

You know, I was thinking about it. I would rather someone hate me than to not care about me one way or another. I mean, if someone hates you, at least they care enough about you that it makes an impression on their feelings. Jay once said that the opposite of love isn't hate; it is apathy.

I think I might have seen snow flurries. I can't be for certain since I am unfamiliar with these weather patterns. Nevertheless, I need to find a DSW to get some shows that aren't sandal-y. (As Kenny pointed out, I like making adjectives out of nouns by adding "y".)

I must go and set up my work computer. I think I am going to have an Easter ham sandich. Hugs and kisses!

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