Thursday, March 17, 2005

Sleepy Pam

I took it easy today. This morning I unpacked some of my stuff although I didn't bring anymore stuff up from the car. I went by the AllState agent's office to take care of the home owner and automobile insurance paperwork. I took one of my notorious afternoon naps. I did manage to get out and go grocery shopping. However, my roommate and I ended up going out to eat at a place called Cheddar's. I liked the salad, but the honey dijon chicken was a little too sweet for me.

Tomorrow i have to pick up the paperwork for my new job and bring up the rest of my stuff from the car. I am also going to lunch with a friend I met on-line. She goes to UNCC. I found out that there is a gym in the apartment complex, so I am also going to hit that tomorrow.

I have company coming in this weekend which is kind of funny since I just moved here and am now expected to entertain. That will be amusing!

I should be working this coming Monday through the end of May. That would be perfect since UNCC summer A starts May 23rd. I am hoping that they will agree to give me funding so I can start doing some research. Dr. Prietula and I are already planning on publishing a paper with the results from my undergraduate thesis.

Today was St. Patrick's Day, but I didn't wear my Magically Delicious t-shirt . . .

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